Monday, April 20, 2015

Geneaolgy and Goals

Hello Everyone!!!  It's been quite a while.  Since our last meeting, I have read to the children on two different occasions.  On Dr. Seuss's Birthday Celebration, I read Sneetches to the children.  I even read a story about the Easter Bunny before we had an Easter Egg Hunt for the children at the Quisenberry Library.  The Genealogy Courses started last week and I feel very confident about it.  Everyone seems very interested and I think this will be a Huge benefit to the programs at the Quisenberry Library.  Tomorrow we go over Vital Records (Birth, Marriage and Death).  I am returning to Full Time Hours this summer as there will be a lot of programs for the children I will help out with as well.  I am still scheduled to still be at the Book Sale on Wednesday.

I got back into Weightlifting and was very consistent for a while.  I had a Superbusy week last week and lost a friend from High School and Junior High.  In addition, One of my Mom's Dogs Coco, whom I considered my dog as well since we lived together for a long time, passed away last month.  It was a lot to bite off.  Now that the weather is nicer, I went for a long run/walk yesterday and did some DDP Yoga today.  I plan to complete the week with DDP Yoga workouts and jogging.  Next week, I will hit the weights and plan to rotate weeks between light workouts and heavy workouts at the Y.  I have maintained a steady weight but want to lose weight this summer.  I had a Dear Friend give me dietary advice.  When my schedule becomes more consistent this summer, I think my diet will become consistent as well.  If I can get down to 225 lbs. by end of Summer I will be a Happy Man. I checked out a book from the Quisenberry Library Living Your Yoga by Dr. Judith Lasater.  It is a book that reinforces the mindset of Yoga along with the actual practice of it.  It is very useful in this stressful world.  I have read a book about Yoga a friend gave me so some of the aspects of Yoga are reinforced by the book.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Dr. Seuss/Genealogy/Weightlifting

Hello my Friends!!!!  It's been a while once again!!!  I'm glad to be back in the Groove at the Quisenberry Library.  I am rotating my time between working at the Circulation Desk, helping with the Youth Services Department and Performing Research in the Genealogy Room.  This Thursday at 4:00pm, we will be celebrating Dr. Seuss' Birthday and I will be reading Dr. Seuss' Sneetches to the children and will dress up in a Dr. Seuss costume.  We were supposed to celebrate it two weeks ago but had a Snow Day.  It is almost certain that I will be teaching a Genealogy course to the public at the Quisenberry Library starting next month.  I plan on starting off with the Online tutorials and then going to Basic Searching.  I will see the competencies of the people in the class and then go from there.  Meanwhile, I am at the Metro Center Book Sale on Wednesdays.  I had the busiest day I had ever had this past Wednesday.  People are coming out to the Sale now that they are hearing about the Great Prices.  Everything a Dollar and Under.  Can't Beat That.  5 for a Dollar Children's Books.  I'm thinking of writing an article pertaining to the print materials vs. digital.

I took some well needed time off from exercising but it got longer than I expected when I fell ill two weeks ago.  I feel fine now and returned to Cybex Machines this week at the Deville Y.  It's always rough when returning but its worth it.  I plan on going back to Free Weights this upcoming week.  Of course, I'll fit in some DDP Yoga when I can.

Monday, January 26, 2015

New Year/New Beginnings

Hello my Friends!!  I hope everyone's year has started on a good note.  I am going through a transition right now.  After a 6 month hiatus, I am officially returning to the Jackson/Hinds Library System at the Quisenberry Library in Clinton.  I will be Assisting both the Circulation Desk and the Youth Services Department as I did before.  In addition, on my time outside of work, I am going to utilize the Genealogical Room to perform research.  I will still be at the Metro Center Book Sale on Wednesdays from 10-6 which is a part of the Library system.  Come on out, Everything under a $1.00.  I will still help out the Mississippi Department of Archives and History when possible.  Two weeks ago, I attended a Retirement Reception for MDAH Director Hank Holmes.  It was good seeing many people and catching up with my old friends.

I will still be working Weekend Dates at the Deville Y as I will never leave that Gracious Organization.  I've still been dividing time between Weight Workouts at Y and DDP Yoga.  I've noticed a Great increase in my flexibility and balance.  When doing DDP Yoga Below the Belt Workout, I did the Hood Ornament Exercise and didnt fall down for the first time.  I'm still doing my best in relation to diet.  Gluten Free is hard to come by but I do my best.  Still drinking Shakeology Shakes.

Speaking of DDP, he's been in the news lately.  "The Resurrection of Jake "the Snake" Roberts" premiered at the Slamdance Film Festival this past weekend.  Can't wait to personally see it.  DDP, Jake and Scott Hall were all at the premier.  Last night at this Year's Royal Rumble, Diamond Dallas Page made a surprise appearance at the WWE Royal Rumble drawing #14.  When he hit the Diamond Cutter on Cody Rhodes JBL commented "They teach that in Yoga Class!!!"  Congrats to Arnold Schwarzenegger for being named the Celebrity Inductee in this Year's WWE Hall of Fame Class.  In addition to inspiring Bodybuilders and Actors, he has inspired Pro Wrestlers too especially in relation to Working out and Physiques.  Of Course, the First Named Inductee was the Late "Macho Man" Randy Savage OOOOHHHHH YYYEEAAAHHH!!!  Mania and Hall of Fame is too far away this year, San Francisico, but I'll be watching!!!

Just to let people know, you dont have to know about Wrestling to do DDP Yoga.  It has swept the Nation.  Here are Two Videos I Ask you, No I Require You to Watch!!!

First is the Video of "Never Give Up" with Arthur's Inspirational Story.  The Second is an HBO Segment that was done over a Year ago when "The Resurrection of Jake "the Snake" Roberts was in production.  I TELL EVERYONE NEVER GIVE UP IN LIFE!!!

Hope everyone has a good February!!! Pray for Mom's Dog Coco.  He's not doing too well!!! I'm rooting for the Seahawks.  I dont normally root for Seattle in Football but I'm tired of the Patriot's Legacy.  Time for a change!!!  I Like the Patriots but Geez Enough is Enough!!!  Cant wait for Baseball Season!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Still Here/Happy Holidays

Hello my Friends!!!  It's been a while!!!!  I'm feeling a lot leaner since we last spoke.  I'm still lifting weights at Deville Y and combining that with Pilates Reformer and DDP Yoga at home.  The Metro Jackson YMCA has a special going on until December 24th.  $25/mo. membership.  Take advantage of it while you can.  I am about 6 lbs. lighter since we last spoke.  I am drinking a Shakeology drinks in the Morning.   This is a meal replacement which helps crush food cravings.  Good to have during the Holidays.  I know I ate bad at Thanksgiving and I'm sure I'll eat some bad stuff next week for Christmas.  However, staying in a regular routine is good so you do have the rare opportunities to cheat.  It's not about Perfection, It's about Progress.  That's what I keep telling myself.

In addition to working again on a Regular basis at the Deville Y, next month (year) I will be returning to the Jackson/Hinds Library System in a small capacity at the Metro Center Book Sale on Wednesdays.  Come check it out at the Metro Center Mall.  All Books are under $3.00!!!!  There is even a Free Section up front.  Meanwhile, I will continue to see what is available at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History.  I am running the Possum Ridge Train there for a couple of DAtes this Holiday Season as I have before.  Possum Ridge is a fictional Mississippi Delta Town.  I will weight my options between contractual jobs at the Archives and part-time openings at certain brances with the Jackson/Hinds Library System.  Meanwhile, I'm back to duties at the Good Ol' YMCA.  Come join before the Special is Over.  When you belong to one Y, you belong to all Metro Ys.  Good Deal.  In addition, you can use Y's when you go out of town.  The Y is where I stay in shape so I highly recommend it.

I've gotten word that the long awaited Documentary "The Resurrection of Jake "the Snake" Roberts will be premiering at the Slam Dance Film Festival Next Month.  I'm so proud of the Man and how far he's come!!!!  DDP saved his life for sure!!!!

Since I've been dabbling in both endeavors, I see fit to refer myself to the Exercising Librarian/Archivist!!!  Happy Holidays to All!!!!  Hope everyones Football Team Wins!!!!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Been a while...Major Updates..Please Read

Hello my Friends!!!  Wow, it's been a while.  Unfortunately, I was not chosen for the Historic Resources Specialist position at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History.  However, I am still encouraged to apply for future positions.  In addition, I will be helping run the Possum Ridge Train in December at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History.  Possum Ridge is a fictional Mississippi Delta town from times past.  Its always a great attraction every holiday season.  I enjoyed running it two years ago and look forward to running it again.  In addition, I will be helping out with the Christmas by Candlelight.  Due to some changes, I got a little stalled on researching my Dad's Memorabilia.  However, I was going through his Correspondence the other day and found an article on legendary Mississippi Senator John C. Stennis the day he passed, very interesting.

I am transitioning to working back at the Deville Y in Northeast Jackson.  I have one more weekend of dates at the Downtown Y.  The Deville Y was the first Y I started out at in 2008 and look forward to seeing many old faces I've been devoted to the Metro Jackson Y and their causes for over 6 years and still plan to do so.  As far as my workouts, I pinched a nerve about a month ago and had to stop lifting heavy for a while.  I first went to DDP Yoga but then started doing some Pilates Reformer.  Pilates Reformer is a very good Exercise Class to maintain your flexibility and your strength in your lower body.  I highly recommend it to both Men and Women.  Meanwhile, I've been training light on the weights but will slowly progress back.  I've started eating cleaner than before allowing myself maybe 2-3 cheat meals a week.  I wish to get back to 225lbs. eventually.  It will be tough with the Holiday Seasons coming up.

Congrats to Mississippi Teams for Wonderful Performance.  I hope Southern Miss wins tomorrow and their Black Out Game Next Week as the season hasnt been as successful for them.  Southern Miss To the Top!!!  Was Rooting for the St. Louis Cardinals but now am rooting for the Giants!!!

Election Time is coming!!

Saw Charlie Daniels at the Fair Yeeee Hawww.  Next Concert, Motley Crue with Alice Cooper in Biloxi, Can't Wait!!!!

Anybody Know of any Pug Rescues, I'm interested.  I love Pugs.  Mom's Dogs Coco and Romeo and My Neighbor's Dog Mouse keep me busy but I need one of my own to stay with me in the House!!!

Enjoying watching Horror Movies and Reading Stephen King Novels HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Still here

Hello my friends, I havent posted anything in a month but I'm still here.  I've been doing light weight workouts in addition to some DDP Yoga.  People have commented that I'm looking leaner.  I just gotta watch the sweet tooth, it's a problem of mine.

As you may recall from my previous post, I applied for a Historic Resources Specialist position with the Mississippi Department of Archives and History.  I had a phone interview two weeks ago and will be notified either way concerning a face to face interview.  Let's hope for the best.  Meanwhile, I have finally began research into my father's political career.  I have begun reviewing the Oral History he did with the University of Southern Mississippi to start a basis for how I will organize his photographs.  Here is a link to the oral history if you are interested
Meanwhile, I've upped my part time hours at the Downtown Y.

I was supposed to go with my Mom to a cemetery in Fayette, MS on Labor Day to visit my Great-Great Grandfather's grave but didnt end up going.  I've been doing additional genealogical research on my family.  My Great Great Grandfather David Stanton Burch was a Captian in the Confederacy during the Civil War.  After doing research I found out he was part of the 7th Regt. Mississippi Infirmary.

Kudos to all those that completed the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.  Such a worthy cause.  Until we meet again friends!!!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Changes and a Positive Outlook on the Future

Hello my friends!!  As you may recall from the previous post, there are many changes going in my life at the moment.  After a year with the Jackson/Hinds Library System, I made the personal decision to pursue Archival endeavors.  I will still support the Jackson/Hinds Library System and would like to return to read to the children when given a chance.  I applied last week for a position with the Mississippi Department of Archives and History.  Even if I am not offered the position, I am going to devote my time to an Archival Project with my late father's political memorabilia.  If given the position, I can devote my time to both.

Meanwhile, I am still maintaining my part time duties to the Metro Jackson Y.  They will always be a part of my life.  I'll be attending the YMCA Luck of the Draw Event Friday in support of the Deville Y.  This is the Y that got me started with the organization and I will always be grateful to it.

Today, I return to weights at the Deville Y and will work out Chest.  I know I'm gonna be sore.  As far as my future career and fitness endeavors, I look at it in the most positive light.  Dont let other people's opinions influence your decision or outlook on life.  Only you knows whats best for you.  Believe in yourself and think positively.  Just watch this Video on Arthur, another man whose life Dallas Page saved through DDP Yoga and positive living.